1) Abstracts should be sent by the speaker, who must also register an email address and password. The abstract presenter must be one of the authors.
2) The first name and surname of each author must be entered, along with the institution name, city and country. Author information will be published exactly the way it is entered into the website. Changes will not be made after this point.
3) It is necessary to choose the subject area of each abstract.
4) Please indicate the preferred presentation format (oral or poster). In case it is necessary, the scientific committee will reserve the right to change the presentation modality requested by the author.
5) The title of the abstract must be written using a capital letter for the beginning of each word, ex: "Elevation of C-Reactive Protein Levels During Luteal Phase in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes". It should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study. Abbreviations must not be used in the title.
6) The abstract must be written in English, and must follow the following format: introduction, material and methods, results and conclusions. It must be typewritten in a continuous paragraph format without any graphs or photos, with a maximum of 2500 characters. In order to evaluate without “bias”, the author's name nor origin should be included in the title or abstract.
7) All abstracts must contain original work that has not been published or presented identically on previous occasions.
8) Please check spelling and grammar carefully. All abstracts will be published as submitted.
9) Use generic names (commercial product names may not be used).
10) The Scientific Committee reserves the right to accept or reject the abstract, which will be communicated through written format to the email address listed in the electronic abstract registry form. The President also reserves the right to consult the author concerning any ethical or regulatory discrepancies.
11) Once the abstract is approved by the scientific committee, the authors will be required to submit a manuscript, which will be published in the Proceedings, according to instructions that will be shared with them at the right moment.
12) The instructions for oral presentations and poster guidelines will be given at the moment the abstract has been accepted.
Oral Presentations: Oral presentations should be given with the support of a Power Point Presentation, and last 15 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.
Poster Presentations: Posters shall be prepared in DINA0 size (841 × 1189 mm), portrait format, in English language. They must have rigid rods at both ends. Each exhibitor in this modality must be an hour before your presentation, for the installation of your poster, which must be removed - at least - one hour after the time of presentation.
The abstract submission deadline is Friday, December 20, 2024 23:59 GMT-6.
The manuscript submission deadline is Wednesday, April 30, 2025 23:59 GMT-6.